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1/13/2024 10:31:33 PM

Cross-Save Issue - Steam/PSN/EPIC

Hi, i recently messed up a lil on the cross saving. 1. I linked the wrong PSN Account (PSN1) to my Steam Account 2. I linked the correct PSN Account (PSN2) to my Epic Account and played a while. 3. I removed the link between PSN1 and Steam 4. I linked the Steam account to the PSN2 Cross Save that i actually want to use. When i look into the cross save section - it shows me the correct characters and also no issue regarding the linked accounts. Issue now: When i launch via EPIC Games - i have my 3 characters but... when i launch the game via my Steam Account, i have to start fresh and have no access to my existing characters (PSN is set Active). Side note - i also changed my bungie name cauz i wanted to remove the clantag from PSN. is there any syncing to be done or do i have some kind of "shadow ban" cause of the resolving of the link and that ominous 90 day ban you receive for new links? BR

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