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1/8/2024 10:25:20 AM

Join Survivers & Revivers - UK/EU LGBTQIA+ Clan recruiting awesome Guardians now :)

Survivors & Revivers is a worldwide Clan for LGBTQIA+ Guardians and our allies. Now that Season of the Wish is in full swing, we are recruiting for folks to kick back with and enjoy all that Destiny 2 has to offer. We're here to make friends, connections and to have a great time playing the game we all love. Our aim is to build a community of friends where all our members have a safe, inclusive space to be their authentic selves. We are an open and inclusive gang of players with a good attitudes and an even better sense of humour. We love being silly, having a laugh and making lasting friendships. We ask that you bring the good vibes and are active within the game. We understand and appreciate that everyone has a life outside of Destiny, so we don't require you to be online 24/7. However we do ask that in joining our Clan, you're showing us that you're willing and able to hop in, help out and have fun with those you meet. We have a wide range of players, from New Lights to D1 veterans, Raid Royalty to Dungeon Divas, Lore Legends to Iron Banana munchers, and everything in between so we are sure you'll find folks to jam with. We enjoy a good sherpa run, showing people the ropes and getting people feeling happy and comfortable with us as a group and to enhance their enjoyment of Destiny 2. English is the main server language, and we tend to play during UK/EU evenings and weekends. We play on all platforms. The use of our Discord server is a must for clan membership - this is where we primarily engage with each other outside the game world. If you feel like we are the clan for you then please join using the following links: Clan: Discord:

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