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1/3/2024 2:33:08 AM

[Guardians in the Son] Looking for Christian/Family Friendly Members

Hello everyone! We are currently looking for members to regrow our clan. We took a very long break after the passing of my daughter, but we're now back and looking to get things going again. We do all forms of content: raids/raid nights, pvp, dungeons, etc. You name it! We have some experienced raiders who are always happy to teach and take players through raids so that we can expand the base of our raid members to ensure that no one is left out. So if you're looking for a place to learn mechanics and feel involved and actually KNOW what's happening rather than being stuck on ad clear for the 10th time, give us a look :) As the title states, we are a Christian based clan but open to anyone and everyone who is looking for a family friendly environment. That means we have one simple rule in accordance with the community we look to grow again: 1: No profanity or vulgarity of any kind. We don't allow it as it is the opposite of the kind of play that we want to promote and encourage. We want it to be a place that adults or children can come to play with whoever and whenever within the clan without having to worry about being exposed to something they may not want to hear. If this is the kind of gaming experience you'd enjoy and want to help foster that kind of an experience for others, then give us an upvote, click the link, take a look at our clan, and maybe send a request to join. We also have a clan Discord setup that we use for communications, so be prepared to hop into that and have a look around and get to know people, although we socialize a lot in the parties as well! Eyes up Guardians!

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