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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/13/2023 3:06:17 PM

QoL addition for PVP, slot specific armor mods

So while the loadouts addition to the game has been great, there's been something that has been irking me. Let's say I wanna swap between The Immortal, Eyasluna, and Hung Jury. Well I could set up a loadout slot, but it also changes my subclass, exotic, and armor. So I would need to create separate loadout slots if I wanna say, keep the same subclass and exotic but only change weapons. Without going into every possible case, my loadouts slots simply fill up fast. When all I wanna do is simply change my Kinetic weapon out. So, I propose slot specific armor mods. So if we got say Kinetic Slot Targeting, it would affect any Kinetic, Stasis, or Strand weapon we equip in our Kinetic Slot. Same thing for Energy Slot Targeting, it would affect any Solar, Arc, or Void weapon we equip in our Energy Slot. This is not a major change per say but it super convenient when playing Crucible and I need to change my primary weapon out for something a little different.

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