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12/8/2023 1:47:48 PM

Join AotB today !! ✨️ No need to bargain with Riven... ;)

Come [i]celebrate your light[/i] with Accusers of the Brethren !! ~ With The Dawning celebrations just around the corner, here you will find plenty of new friends to bake those cookies with !! AotB are a supportive and welcoming community open to all Guardians. From strikes to the crucible, dungeons to raids, seasonal events or exotic quests, you will always have someone to play with and have fun. [b]We are way more than just an in-game clan![/b]!! Click the link above and see for yourself what makes AotB the best community in Destiny. —————————————————————————————————————————— [b][u]Here you will find:[/u][/b] ➢ Looking for Group (LFG) channels, so you always have someone to play with ➢ A dedicated Sherpa program open to those looking to learn, or those who have a passion for teaching ➢ In-game clans so you are never without your fireteam ➢ Players on all platforms, of all skill levels, from all over the world, and in all time zones ➢ Daily community challenges, trivia, games, and more ➢ Friendly server staff to ensure you are always safe and welcome [u][b]So how do you join?[/b][/u] 1. Follow this link and join our Discord: 2. Acknowledge the Rules and Register with Charlamagne to finish onboarding 3. A friendly mod will welcome you to the server, and you are good to go! If you have any questions or need any help with getting started, send a direct message to [i][b]--gond--[/b][/i] on Discord! [i]“I can give you anything. What is it you want? Weapons? Glory? Peace? Or is it simpler than that?”[/i] ✨️~ Riven of a Thousand Voices

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