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12/2/2023 4:16:39 PM

(OPEN TO EVERYONE 18+) Join us in [Ω] Devourers and Shape the Future of Destiny 2!

[b]Calling on all Guardians 18+ across the solar system![/b] Aren't you tired of playing alone? maybe having trouble finding raid teams? Or maybe even having trouble with a dead server? Well look no further! We, in [url=][Ω] Devourers[/url], are excited to invite new players to join our ranks and be a part of an amazing Destiny 2 community. Your presence and input are invaluable in shaping the future of our clan and the game itself. We believe that every Guardian brings a unique perspective and experience to the table. Your ideas and suggestions will help us create a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone feels welcome and engaged. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your journey, we encourage you to attend the server meetings and actively participate. Together, we can explore new strategies, conquer challenges, and forge lasting friendships. [u]WHAT WE OFFER:[/u] - Raid carries by Top players - Teaching Raids and Dungeons to new players with our experienced Sherpa's - All clan engrams weekly - Trials, Iron Banner and Private matches as well as Server-wide events.. - No discrimination or drama [u][b]You could be only a few steps away from joining us within [Ω] Devourers... [/b][/u] -[b] Upvote & Comment [/b] on this forum post as it helps us grow (Thank you in advance) - [b]Join our Discord server[/b] - After joining, [b]Simply follow the welcome message steps[/b] & We’ll send you that Clan Invite. [b]Let's embark on an epic adventure together and make Destiny 2 an unforgettable experience![/b]

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