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впервые опубликовано в: New dungeon is fantastic
12/1/2023 9:35:11 PM
Meh... I liked the setting, I liked the final boss fight for how it's structured, really nice to follow even if the space to build the arena probably could have been used a little better but not something for called it “a miracle”. Very few mechanics, very simple to understand, middle boss really uninspired not only in terms of design (they all are, come on) but also in terms of process. I wasted more time in the prison phase (please make something that shines or looks better; I had to stand 10cm from the monitor to see one of those damn buttons from the cell with no openings in the roof) than in figuring out how to move forward in the various encounters. It's a good dungeon but it didn't convince me 100%. PS. I don't know exactly what the weapons are for perks, I dropped some but all with trash things. The armor is terrible, low effort. Among other things, it didn't give me any progress in the quest when interacting near the final chest, while it did for a friend of mine. I don't know if it's a bug or what but - in case it is - it's a shame that we find ourselves with yet another problem from the activity chests this season.

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