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11/27/2023 4:36:57 PM

AotB Wishes for YOU to Join Us for Season 23 and Beyond

Season 23 is just ONE DAY AWAY!! We wish for you to join us at the Accusers of the Brethren, we welcome all skills levels so whether you are a berserk raider or a new light just bring a good fun attitude and the rest is easy. Here at the Accusers of the Brethren we can offer the following:- ✨LFG Channels to get the support in what you need help with ✨Raid Sherpa's to open your endgame in new ways in a fun and supportive way ✨Dungeon Masters to help you to get those elusive rewards by guiding you on your journey ✨Challenges so you can show off your skills and knowledge across the season/events ✨An opportunity to chat and game with like minded people with the love of all things Destiny ✨People from around the world in different time zones and locations ✨A supportive staff team to ensure the your experience and the community is a safe and inclusive place for everyone!! So if this is something you want or need then come on in and join a unique range of fun and crazy misfits all that have a deep love of Destiny where you will be welcomed with open arms no matter what your skill level is!! Season 22 is just about to finish and Season 23 is where we all Wish its an epic season, who knows what that will have in store for us!!

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