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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/1/2023 10:05:42 PM

You did nothing we asked for and wondered why we left

D1 vet and D2 vanilla vet - haven’t played in months. There are few games I’ve committed this much money to over the years (I’m estimating easily over $1,200). For a game platform that is designed for weekly engagement and contact hours with a micro transaction rotator during a battle pass season (main form of revenue outside of season content or expansion purchases) a vicious pattern has emerged since the first sunsetting era of Bungie emptying the sandbox during odd times and expecting us all to play with the box. What’s so ironic is so much of the quality of life fixes and types of content we enjoyed didn’t have to be dreamt up and marketed and sold on - you had already made it! Armoury - opulence - lost maps - lost gear - lost perks - lost exotic quests - and replaced with what? A perk item that dissolved every season, weapons and armour that get binned or devalued the moment the next season starts, and a paid-to-win levelling system for crafting materials. Hilarious that so many players will finally be able to get the Thorn catalyst at a time when no one wants to play anymore - didn’t realise Bungie was saving that as an emergency floatation device. I’ll keep the game downloaded and I’ll keep my accounts because unlike Bungie, you’re not meant to sell off while your shares are down (finance 101). For the first time ever though I’m not preordering or even going near Final Shape. It’s the only thing I can do to, that any of us can do to try and get the changes we want and to make them listen to the people who pay their bills.

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