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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/28/2023 3:50:32 PM

Dares (rant)

Look y'all, if you want to speedrun thru DoE, bring a fireteam and do it. Don't mess it up for the bounty hunters by being the 1st one in to spin that wheel. All you're doing is making an already exhausting grind, even more exhausting because we don't get to rally to fill our needs to have the arsenal to get thru Dares in one run. Save the speed crap for your personal fireteam. This has been a constant issue with many other players here. Use the LFG to get fellow racers to run like mad with you. Thank you, have a nice day, and may you get stomped on by a taken Knight. All day long.
#destiny2 #rant

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