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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/25/2023 8:22:48 PM

Anti-Champion Abilities: Anti-Barrier

A while ago, we got Anti-Champion capabilities ingrained into our subclass verbs, but now that it's been a few seasons, it should be clear that some abilities aren't working as well as they could, or should. Firstly, Radiant is great for dealing with Barrier Champions. It applies to [i]all weapons[/i] instead of requiring you match your subclass element, and it can be activated with many abilities, almost none of which require getting a kill. However, our remaining subclass verbs that are [i]supposed[/i] to be Anti-Barrier, are Volatile and Unravel. These only work in the specific scenario where you get Volatile/Unraveling Rounds from a fragment, via a Grenade/Melee kill, [i]and[/i] use a weapon matching your subclass element. Furthermore, Collective Obligation, which allows you to store charges and activate Volatile Rounds from it's Exotic Perk, doesn't pierce Barriers when Void Leech is active. I doubt Volatile Rounds & Unraveling Rounds will start applying to unmatched element weapons, which is why I will suggest something else instead. Any ability that applies Volatile/Unravel should be capable of piercing Barriers, and any Barrier Champion that is currently Volatile/Unraveled, should be susceptible to gunfire through its barrier from any player's weapons. Think about it like this: Would hitting a Barrier Champion with Volatile/Unravel before it's barrier goes up really be [i]more[/i] broken than what's already being done by Freeze/Suspend?

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