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Изменено (WLDN): 10/20/2023 10:44:58 PM

A Glitch Where You Become A Ghost

Ok so, I don't mean like the ghosts in the lore, more like a literal ghost. This has happened to me about three or four times. Basically what happens is, while I'm playing zone control or momentum control, something happens where I should be dead, but instead I keep playing. My character doesn't die, I just keep walking around. But the thing is, when this happens, the enemy can NOT see me, nor can my teammates ((I think)), and that means I can literally walk around and do anything I want without anyone noticing. But also, I can't do much because I can not shoot, my bullets don't harm anyone, I can't melee anyone either, it's ineffective. What I CAN do is use my grenades, my knives, my super, and sadly, my arrows. Now I feel very crappy about this, but I just came out of a momentum game, and this same glitch happened, and I learned that my arrows ARE still effective. Even though my bullets aren't. I could just go around and get into the enemies' faces and shoot them with my arrows, noone would notice a thing. But also it takes away the whole joy of the game, and is also very, very weird. Has anyone else ever gotten this glitch? Like I said, it happened to me about three or four times so I'm pretty sure other people might have experienced it too. And is there a way to fix it and break out of it when it happens instead of just leaving the match?

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