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впервые опубликовано в: Game crashes, screen freezes, program suddenly shuts down
Изменено (Leary Neil): 10/17/2023 10:34:36 AM
So this problem cannot be solved? It has already happened to at least three people in my guild more than 20 times

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  • Same here, also occasional AppHangB1. Video freezes, audio keeps working when it happens. Which is once in 2-3 days, not necessarily during a gameplay - today it just hung on the orbit while clicking in F1 menu. So not caused by any cooling or performance issues for sure. In most cases killing the process and restarting it again works just fine. My system is fairly new, since August I've played all Metro, Starfield, Cyberpunk in more demanding settings and never ever had any issues. The only good thing is that coming across this post and detailed report, I know I'm not alone, and its's likely not a hw issue, thank you! Also, I'm running gigabyte b650 aorus elite ax, 7800x3d, dual monitor - primary 4k@160 connected with DP to 4080, secondary is at internal AMD, and thanks to you I do not have to look into what could be causing it in my setup specifics. Just curious - are you and people in your guild running DDR5 in XMP? Other theories - windows 11 or battleeye, though not sure how to troubleshoot it further on without bungee support

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