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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/7/2023 8:30:15 PM

Improve the stats on the Duality Artifice armor, revert the nerf

Right now, there's only 1 master dungeon worth farming for artifice armor, and that is Grasp of Avarice. The master Caiatl boss fight is harder than the master Avarokk boss fight, at least that's been my LFG experience this week. Bungie, please make the Duality armor stats like the Grasp of Avarice armor stats. Make it worthwhile to struggle through master Caiatl. What we think happened is that you nerfed the Duality artifice armor when the Gahlran cheese was being exploited. But then you patched the Gahlran cheese without reverting the armor nerf. It looks like an oversight that hurts the players, like you cared enough to nerf the armor against us but don't care enough to fix it back to the way it was. Please make us just a little happier by reverting that nerf.

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