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Изменено (Minighost): 4/21/2023 11:36:04 PM

Armor pieces not appearing in transmog screen after obtaining them

I want to transmog the deep explorer gauntlets because they look cool. However, even after collecting them and even dismantling a pair, I am unable to find it in the transmog screen. I heard this was a server issue, but is there anything I can do to make it show up? I have already tried getting another pair and dismantling it, but it still doesn't show up. And, no, my current gauntlets (in the screenshots) are a pair of TM-Custom Cogburns, the armor from Spire of the Watcher. I know that armor will not appear in the transmog menu if it is already the piece you are looking for. Also, I guess, side note: I've always had to dismantle a piece of armor to get it to show up in the transmog screen. I learned recently that this is NOT supposed to happen and it should show up after obtaining the armor piece, no dismantling required. I don't know, it's weird. Is there a setting I missed or something? Edit: Only the [i]normal [/i]version of armor can be transmog'd! Not the artifice ones.

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