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10/5/2023 2:25:30 AM

New Telesto Bug (I think)

PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12799K 3.60 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 RAM: 16gb GPU Driver Version: OS Version: 22621.2361 ISP Provider/Speed (upload/download) / Connection Type (LAN or wireless): ISSUE: Upon hitting 0 ammo with Telesto and using its Harbinger's Pulse perk to reload, Telesto cannot fire and will only charge and release its charge without firing. Notably with Full Auto Fire turned on. REPRO STEPS: Step-by-step instruction list on how to reproduce this bug, try to be as succinct as possible: 1: Empty Telesto's magazine with ammo in reserve 2: At the same time, hit 0 ammo and have Telesto's Harbinger's Pulse perk trigger to reload the magazine. 3: Keep holding down the Fire button with Full-Auto Firing turned on in options. ACTUAL RESULT: Telesto continually charges without firing its bolts EXPECTED RESULT: Telesto will continue to fire normally. LINKS: [url][/url] NOTES: AUTO-FIRE ON! I think it is probably due to the perk's interaction with this specifically. My Telesto also does not have the catalyst on it. Breakneck's hallway encounter is the best way I've found to replicate this, though the opening encounter to Grasp of Avarice or Shuro-Chi probably would also work.

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