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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (L1Lg13): 9/19/2023 10:22:59 PM

People who do LFG then Boot

Anyone who invites people or does LFG and boots the person they had carry them through a raid/dungeon/nightfall etc. shouldn’t be allowed to use the app. Tired of these people, they’re toxic and a nuisance. Use this forum as a page to start putting names out there so they can sit and suffer from now on bc they don’t deserve help. Here’s a name for y’all that I just dealt with, will be adding more as time goes on. Kloudz#3480 Him and his buddy were being dicks the whole time despite me carrying them through the Prophecy dungeon. Wasn’t talking to them and knew exactly what to do but still got booted right as we were about to defeat the boss. If you do this type of stuff it isn’t funny, you’re just damaging the reputation of the game and creating a toxic community. Be better and grow the fuc up.

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