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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/3/2023 6:04:03 PM

I'm not a new player. Bungie doesn't care.

I have been playing D2 since Season15 and have had a lot of fun. However, as a player that has been playing for a while it seems there is no content that is really rewarding for me anymore. The only content that I considered rewarding was the day 1 raid, to beat the raid and get the emblem. The difficulty was high enough that I could not complete the 3rd encounter after 15 hours. So forget the emblem because i can't beat the raid on day 1 nevermind the challenges on a second run. With all the changes to quality of life, there is not much grinding left in D2 for me. I'm fully bored. Crafted weapons used to be my only grind but now I can just buy the levels so not anymore. No desire to grinding for weapons that are not interesting, or not worth doing for 14th time. Forget that most of the new weapons are reskins of existing weapons with a different color pattern, no new gun models really. I am just tired of the grind that leads to nothing that feels rewarding to an experienced player that is not in the top 5% that can beat the hardest content in the game (Day 1). PVP seems fun, except there is no skill based matchmaking and my opponents are either way better than me or way worse. Its bad. So I canceled my preorder for final shape and I'm not really going to continue playing this game anymore. Going to download call of duty and fallout, not sure but I need a game that gives me a rewarding experience. So far that is not destiny 2 anymore. I'm not a new player. Bungie doesn't care.

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