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Изменено (Ragnar): 8/27/2023 5:57:40 AM

HOPE Recruiting [PC] [AUS/NZ] [18+] [D2]

We are an amiable clan based in Australia and New Zealand, operating on PC, and we're eager to grow our active player base, which currently boasts over 350 active members spread across three clans. We're the perfect match for veteran players seeking an active, friendly clan, especially if your previous clan has dwindled in activity over recent seasons. We're also thrilled to welcome newcomers to Destiny into our community. Our organization comprises four clans, all working together as one large unit, facilitated by Discord. We participate in all game modes, including Master Raids, Raids, Trials, Competitive, Quickplay, Gambit, Nightfalls, and Grand Master Nightfalls. We kindly request only adults (18 years and older) from Australia, New Zealand, or similar time zones to join us. If you're not interested in team play and are only looking for clan engrams, our clan may not be the right fit for you. Here are the links to our clans: Clan Void: Clan Arc: Clan Solar: Clan Stasis: Please note that all platforms must be able to use Discord for communication. HOW TO APPLY: 1. Join our Discord server: 2. Refer to the #how-to-join channel for all the necessary information. For any queries, feel free to reach out to us on Discord: Ragnar_aus, Spreadsheets, dontknowwill, jorogg

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