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Изменено (Gukuhlt Bear): 8/25/2023 7:19:41 AM

**NEW** clan and very small recruiting new members || Destiny Seekers LFG Discord

Destiny Seekers is a discord server available to all platforms to be used as a LFG or Looking For Group for all activities in destiny 2! PvP, PvE, raids, trials, nightfalls, seasonal activities and so on. We also have a clan to go with the discord but it is not a requirement nor will it ever be to access everything we offer. In addition to the LFG and social channels we also offer multiple bots that can assist in game from the discord. Assist with things like looking at weapon perks, looking at in game achievements as well as collectibles you still need or any of the daily/weekly rotations like lost sectors or nightfalls even Xur. all without even loading up the game! if you have any questions about the discord or the clan you can contact me directly or message me on discord at gukuhlt_bear ~Thank you

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