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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/18/2023 4:03:11 PM

GMs have gotten stale

GMs have gotten stale and I do not find them exciting anymore. I propose adding the third champion to each faction to spice things up, here's my recommendations. Scorn: has overload and unstop: easy call here adding a sniper champion is the play here. Add Barrier Raiders Taken: overload and unstop: let's make this one annoying. Barrier Captain this changes the dynamic of the normal personality of Barrier champions . Cabal: Barrier and unstop: this one has a couple that could fit the bill. Think the evasiveness of a Psion would be perfect. Hive: Barrier unstop: this one's so easy it's not even funny. Insert overload wizards into the game. Fallen: Barrier overload: only 1 enemy works for this... unstoppable heavy shank. Vex: Barrier overload: no one wants this onslaught. Easy call here with pull your hair out frustration. Add unstoppable wyverns.

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