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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
8/3/2023 11:17:21 PM

SOTG & MY constructive response

Bungie, I went through your SOTG post and though there was plenty of good in it, it left a lot to be desired. Thank you for what IS being added and improved, but here is what I was hoping for / expected in no particular order: -Artifice armor. We dont have endgame armor in the game. Artifice is very underwhelming and player feedback shows that its likely to roll low instead of high. PLEASE give us a reward fitting for challenging some of the hardest content in the game outside Master raids. please consider seeing my post about this which contains some ideas @ -Ammo Economy. I love using exotic primaries, they have some of the most fun mechanics built into them and are extremely effective at clearing adds, but your ammo economy is VERY inconsistent and thus very bad. There are just too many times to count where I will experience heavy and special droughts DESPITE using ammo finder perks. I have devoted myself to double special ammo to avoid this phenomenon even if its not my preferred way to play. Please consider bringing back the old system of majors and higher always dropping heavy/special ammo on kill until you can find a fair & working balance for ammo economy -Stasis & Strand Super alternatives. both of these subclasses have been implemented very well, but because we have no super alternatives, they can be completely useless or at least very undesirable for a lot of situations. I think its fair to ask for this considering all the light subclasses have alternatives. -Nerfing. I personally have lost a great deal of motivation grinding for anything in game because you have made it apparent that anything is subject to nerfs. Normally this is fine and fair in a live service game, but when you nerf something, you don't just nerf it, you murder the dang thing, so what happens is I see the state of this piece of gear as it is, spend my own time and effort getting this thing, building around it, then you destroy it to a point where I'm left with nothing but frustration and a complete sense of loss. Why cant you make slight tweaks? If you're going to make ANY sort of drastic change, there must ALWAYS be something adjusted to accommodate players UNLESS the change was a bug. -Kinetic weapons. I want to start here by saying you guys have done a wonderful job creating the sort of elemental synergies that allow for so many possibilities that feel right and fun to build into, but Kinetics just feel like a waste of time outside of niche fights/battles where the extra base damage MAY make up for its complete lack of synergy with anything. Please consider tuning kinetic weapons to feel more build-friendly instead of a filler slot. -Inventory Resolution. From what i recall, crafting was supposed to be a strong solution to players having to deal with too much inventory, But it has only made things worse as even if we have crafted weapons we may never use again, its even harder deleting something we had to commit both time and resources to build. I dont think I'm the only one who expected crafted weapons to have multiple perks to swap to on the fly, thus allowing for a versatile weapon that can cover the perk combinations of multiple guns. You guys did an amazing job by making armor less restrictive for build crafting,but you brought up the idea of multiple perks on crafted weapons with no follow up. Either there needs to be a real solution to inventory/vault issues or you guys need to dish out more vault and inventory space. -Exotic Armor. I want to say with a great degree of confidence that the game is designed with the idea that players are always going to have an exotic armor piece equipped, but they come at a cost EVERYWHERE else. More expensive to upgrade, no intrinsic benefits such as seasonal armor bonuses, insanely punishing to farm or focus. All of this for the purpose of restricting players getting the roll they want conveniently? Why not get rid of the current focus option and just allow for rerolling or stat customization? Or maybe throw a artifice slot on the gear, call it Exoticifice and allow us to assign 10-20 of those stat points to a stat of our choice so that at LEAST it a terribly rolled exotic armor piece can still work well in a build? From a lore perspective, this is EXOTIC armor. We should only be finding 1 copy just like weapons and using our guardian prowess and resources to improve/customize it. -Patrol zones. Boring and far too limiting. Please consider increasing the fireteam size limitation and adding more to do. Vex incursion was a fantastic idea and I appreciate you guys adding that. Patrol zones are Destiny's open world. It would be nice to have somewhere to get stuff done with friends thats engaging yet doesn't require a instance-based commitment. -Experience points. Please stop forcing us to rely on bounties and seasonal challenges. I rarely feel like going out of my way to use a specific weapon or kill a specific enemy type in a specific place. Can you please consider making 1st-time weekly raids and/or dungeons reward experience on the same level as seasonal challenges? ritual activity completion on the same level as 3-5 bounties? I hope this wall of text is at least of SOME use. I've been a part of the Destiny world since D1 alpha but my interest has waivered to the point where Destiny has become more of a chore than a game. If I didn't have friends playing the game to run group content with, I would have quit years ago. I hope this feeling changes. Thank you for your time & consideration.

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