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7/16/2023 9:08:23 PM

Menagerie Mission Icon In Helm

PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: CPU: Intel Core i7-10700 GPU: RTX 2070 Super RAM: 32GBs GPU Driver Version: 536.40 OS Version: Windows 11, version 22H2 ISP Provider/Speed (upload/download) / Connection Type (LAN or wireless): Xfinity (160Mbps Down/ 16Mbps Up) Wireless ISSUE: Menagerie Mission Icon In Helm REPRO STEPS: 1. Open Destiny 2. 2. Complete the first mission of Season of the Deep 3. Return to the helm, and complete all holo-projector dialog 4. Open helm map 5. Observe the blank mission icon, with the Menagerie prompt. ACTUAL RESULT: The helm map doesn't have the next seasonal mission. Instead, it has a blank prompt without the season logo with the name The Menagerie. EXPECTED RESULT: There should either be no mission icon here or the correct next mission of the season. LINKS: [url][/url] [url][/url]

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