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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/30/2023 7:52:13 PM

duskfield gernades with renewals needs a change

its almost always better to run them without it for a grenade build, the 40% is a bit much, but I understand the issue is for pvp, a great fix for it i think would be shatter kill when in a duskfield give grenades energy(or when you have duskfield grenades on) , and also will be just as good as strand armor, cause the uptime will be just as good as they are, and it wont ruin pvp, because on a hunter its pretty hard to freeze a target. I think this is a much needed change for the exotic.... the cost is way to damn high in pve, and the damage reduction is a worse version of the strand woven armor. can argue why its a good or bad idea in the comments, i don't think bungie actually looks at the forms for exotic advice tho. renewals where only really good / broken for 1 week before bungie over nerfed them for pvp.

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  • Изменено (Kiro - 13): 7/2/2023 1:30:59 AM
    They need to increase the effectiveness of duskfeils and slow over all not just with the exotic. Not an increase to the duration but the amount at which it slows you down(titans & locks just skate, hop, dash thought it like its not even their) and increase the recoil/flinch value when effected by slow. I mean your supposed to be flinched to the heavens if you try to challenge while standing in a duskfeild. But I know we all experienced that moment far to often when they just stand in it and proceed to never miss a shot. Its got nerf'd by 45% with Lightfall which is fine but with a massive nearly 50% cool down increase you need to add improvements in other areas. Not just curb stomp it into the dirt then leave it, which is what Bungie did.

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