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6/4/2023 7:02:52 AM

Returning Player: Monkey Error code

I've returned to Destiny 2 after many years. I was playing on PC (steam) with a new gaurdian last night and all was well. I then found out my old character was available from when I last played (PS4) and did all the cross save stuff. I logged in this morning and was very happy to be reunited with my old gaurdian. However, whenever I drop into any zone and make my first kill, the game immediately kicks me out saying there are issues connecting to the servers. I get the monkey error code. I don't have any network issues, I've tried restarting & reinstalling the game but the same thing keeps happening. I can roam zones and areas as much as I like, I can interact with vendors on the Tower, but the exact moment I make my first kill of the session, I am kicked out. Please can somsone assist with this. Is my old guardian cursed?

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