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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/31/2023 2:54:10 PM

Bungie, I just gotta say, I love the new dungeon!

I know we have all had our ups and downs with Destiny 2, but I just wanted to stop and say that I really enjoyed the new dungeon in so many ways. The mechanics, atmosphere, lore, loot, etc. were all top notch for me and really make for a super fun experience. I love this kind of content and will honestly hold a deep love for the dungeon as I replay it over the season. I know not everyone will share this sentiment, but I just wanted to convey my love for Ghost of the Deep. (Even if it meant only doing a community post). If anyone else enjoyed this dungeon feel free to mention your favorite parts in the comments as well! Or if you have any things you wish were maybe done different feel free to share that too! I hope that any and all Bungie employees that were instrumental in developing this dungeon feel proud of their work and know that it was appreciated and recognized here.

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