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5/30/2023 8:21:19 PM

Graviton lance Vs Revision Zero

I just did some testing with the damages of Revision Zero and Graviton lance, it looks like Graviton lance is doing around half the damage of Revision Zero even though it only has half 6 points less impact than Revision Zero and the same RPM. I then did some mathy stuff, i tested a 70 impact sniper compared to a 100 impact sniper (whisper of the worm, i did it without the exotic trait active). Whisper without the trait did +0.64 the damage of the 70 impact sniper. 23,776 = 70 impact sniper 37,108 = 100 impact sniper. (23,776 / 37,108) x100% = 0.640 0.640 / 30 = 0.021 so each impact is equal to 0.021 more damage of the previous impact. with revision zero being a 35 impact pulse with the 2 bursts and 4 bursts, (we'll just work with the 2 for now) and with Graviton lance being a 29 impact pulse, there is 6 impact points differance, thus equaling to 0.312 damage increase in revision zero compared to graviton lance, i tested this down the enclave firing line and it show similar data, tested it on the colossus lost sector boss in the conflux, Nessus, it appears that Revision zero is doing almost double the damage the maths is making out, as well as the damage in the enclave, either Revision zero is over performing, or graviton lance is under performing... or i'm just stupid, please clarify?

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