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впервые опубликовано в: What is on your Destiny lore wish list?
5/28/2023 11:46:59 PM
Oryx gifted here Quria with the intention of it sabotaging her later on. I want to know if and/or when she figured that out, and if that's why/how she orchestrated the events of Splicer. Seriously, Quria was too good of a plot point to simply murk at the end of a seasonal story. I want to know more about the whereabouts of Asher's ghost after the events of Arrivals. To my knowledge, it was never mentioned that she died, but I don't recall them ever explaining much of what happened to her after Asher heads to the Pyramidion. I want to know more about Drifter's ghost. To my recollection, we have only ever heard of Drifter's side of their "companionship," and never once heard anything from his ghost's perspective. Fikrul's status since his eviction from the Tangled Shore. We have no idea if he's aligned with the Witness or still following his own agenda, or if he's even aware of Crow's existence. The status of the remaining worm gods. So far only Akka and Xol are confirmed dead (well, Xol is now a gun), and Xita is heavily implied to be dead (but never outright stated to my knowledge), but nothing has been really mentioned about Yul, Eir, and Ur. More lore on Shaxx, either as his days as a warlord or how his demeanor has changed during the City Age. In particular I'd love to see Shaxx's more serious side at play, as we do not really see much of it behind all of his Crucible fanaticism.

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