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5/21/2023 5:48:27 AM

*DAZZLERS* | 18+ | Discord | End Game | PS |

The founder & core players have been involved in Destiny for many years. The founder is a veteran (Guardian Rank 11). In this clan building phase there is an opportunity to support the founder as as an admin plus if you got skill for different PvE or PvP activities then there are other supportive roles for grab. Clan communication is done via Discord so server is already set up with all the bells and whistles. Clan is PS based and Discord is used for scheduling and clan interaction. The aim is to accomplish the destiny challenging activities together while having fun. Our goal is to create a small community to interact with and have more people to team up with for Raids, Trials, Dungeons, GM NF etc. If you want to be part of an interactive clan & develop friendship then look no further. Here is the link , would be very grateful if you would kindly upvote this post.

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