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4/27/2023 6:47:23 PM


[b]***AGENTS OF THE HOPELESS*** [NA][/b] We are a new, small clan of friends trying to grow some in order to have many people to connect with and enjoy all content available in game at any time possible. We are based in the U.S., mainly [b]PST (west coast)[/b]. We have parents, students, and working folk as part of the crew. All respectable and responsible adults!! We are looking for [u]like-minded individuals[/u] that want to play the game, grind for gear, raid, nightfall it out, etc.! [b]EVERYONE IS WELCOME[/b], as long as they are [u]respectful[/u] and [u]mindful[/u] of everyone in the clan. Our clan [b]Discord[/b] is open and available and is a [b]MUST[/b] to join in order to properly communicate for in game activities. [u]Once part of the clan, invites will be sent out[/u]. The [b]Discord[/b] offers [i]daily and weekly content updates[/i], along with [b]rooms[/b] to connect for gaming. If you're on a system that doesn't support it, we can figure it out. It just makes it easier and cleaner for comms. Now a quick disclaimer... We are [b]NOT SUPER SWEATS[/b] ([i]although some units here are monsters![/i]). We have experienced people on all content for [b]SHERPAS[/b]. We have [b]NO MINIMUM[/b] amount of clears for any content. We are [b]SUPER CHILL[/b]. We have [b]NO TOLERANCE[/b] for [u]insults, [b]extreme[/b] toxic behavior, etc[/u]. ([i]cuz we do talk some smack to each other from time to time. hehe[/i]) As the clan grows, things will evolve as different types of people will become part of the group. If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, please don't hesitate on messaging me or my admin directly for [b]Clan initiation[/b]! Looking forward to good games with good people! GG's!

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  • [quote][b]***AGENTS OF THE HOPELESS*** [NA][/b] We are a new, small clan of friends trying to grow some in order to have many people to connect with and enjoy all content available in game at any time possible. We are based in the U.S., mainly [b]PST (west coast)[/b]. We have parents, students, and working folk as part of the crew. All respectable and responsible adults!! We are looking for [u]like-minded individuals[/u] that want to play the game, grind for gear, raid, nightfall it out, etc.! [b]EVERYONE IS WELCOME[/b], as long as they are [u]respectful[/u] and [u]mindful[/u] of everyone in the clan. Our clan [b]Discord[/b] is open and available and is a [b]MUST[/b] to join in order to properly communicate for in game activities. [u]Once part of the clan, invites will be sent out[/u]. The [b]Discord[/b] offers [i]daily and weekly content updates[/i], along with [b]rooms[/b] to connect for gaming. If you're on a system that doesn't support it, we can figure it out. It just makes it easier and cleaner for comms. Now a quick disclaimer... We are [b]NOT SUPER SWEATS[/b] ([i]although some units here are monsters![/i]). We have experienced people on all content for [b]SHERPAS[/b]. We have [b]NO MINIMUM[/b] amount of clears for any content. We are [b]SUPER CHILL[/b]. We have [b]NO TOLERANCE[/b] for [u]insults, [b]extreme[/b] toxic behavior, etc[/u]. ([i]cuz we do talk some smack to each other from time to time. hehe[/i]) As the clan grows, things will evolve as different types of people will become part of the group. If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, please don't hesitate on messaging me or my admin directly for [b]Clan initiation[/b]! Looking forward to good games with good people! GG's![/quote] Hi I’m looking for a decent clan to join, Iv played from the beginning…destiny 1 beta and was a Halo player before that I have a pretty busy life so my play times are totally random some weeks I might get some good hours in others not so it’s been pretty impossible to do any end content, I play PVP 70-80% percent of the time but would like to start raiding again like I used to years ago… good times I’m 42 and have loads of f#$?ed up stories to keep people entertained

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