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4/19/2023 10:05:01 AM

BEDaisy.sys Driver Fails to Load after Installation of 7.0.5 Update

After the recent update of Destiny 2 to version 7.0.5, attempting to start Destiny 2 from Steam triggers the following error dialog on Windows 11: [quote] [b]Program Compatibility Assistant[/b] A driver cannot load on this device Driver: BEDaisy.sys BEDaisy.sys The driver cannot load because it is incompatible with a Windows security mitigation called Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. You can disable this security mitigation by clicking the Disable button below and rebooting the device. However, doing so will downgrade the security of your device. [ ] Don't show this message again [Disable] [Close] [u]Learn more[/u] about Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. Learn more about Hardware-enforced Stack Protection. [/quote] I do not want to disable an important security feature on my PC. Is it possible to release a code change to address this issue? Thanks!

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