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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Seiryoku): 4/18/2023 10:37:49 PM

What possible justification exists

For keeping Immortal as it is. Subs for that matter. "Cause other mid range weapons have 10m more" is clearly not sound when they have no recoil, formidable range, and such short ttks even with misses and body shots. Why are Titans still operating in such a grossly over powered state all these many months later? Where are all the sheeple to parrot True Vanguard's video where he cites points made by an increasingly large group of guardians who already acknowledged the blatant disparities? Antaeus wards should not interact with a Titan Juggernaut arc shield for any reason. The arc shield shouldn't tank a golden gun shot. It's a super vs an ability for sprinting. Titans shouldn't have permanent uptime on shoulder charge. The best movement to and from lanes. The best survivability in overshields and healing for melees/pools of fire. Increased melee range abilities also make the rubber banding beyond nauseating. The sandbox is awful since pulse, scout, sub update. Wholly unnecessary.

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