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4/17/2023 6:34:58 PM

Disconnection from the game (red error)

Every day for the past couple of weeks i am experiencing multiple errors throughout the day that cause disconnection from the game, usually first it shows "contacting destiny 2 servers" and then appear as red colored errors. For example, today i was doing my solo spire run for the guardian rank 11 and i was kicked with weasel error while i was at the Persys final boss. You can imagine my frustration as i lost 2-3 hours of my progress and now i have to solo the dungeon all over again from the start, because now that it kicked me my solo run doesnt count. Also, one important thing i have to mention is that my connection while i got kicked from the dungeon didnt show any other issues. Xbox live was still up and running and all of my pc s where connected to the internet without any issues. p.s. I'm mad!

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