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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/7/2023 6:38:52 AM

My response to the general toxicity of the Forum: Play to have fun, not to win.

I feel the toxicity of the forum has been on an all time rise. Why? Because most toxic players aren't playing to have fun. They're playing to win. Even the absolute best players can't win each and every time. It's all in your mindset. Positivity and Open Mindedness go quite a long way. Helps to be kind to other players you play with too instead of treating them like a faceless object. There will be noobs. Help them don't run from their fire team because you got matched with them. And it's not just those who lose who are toxic. You can win often enough and be very toxic as a person. If the game is all about you rather than teamwork that's a good warning sign. After all you are playing a team based game with a very large community of people who have better things to do than dance around your feelings or hold your hand. Your not the only player on the server. What do we do when we lose? We get right back up. Reflect on why you lost. Study how the opponent beat you. Most of all think of the solution and not the problem. There is a person behind every Lightbearer. Treat each other with respect and kindness. Chins up Guardians, your better than this and I'm disappointed in you. May love and peace be with you all.

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