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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/3/2023 12:54:09 AM

We have a problom

I am going to be blunt Bungie I am really hoping that you are not going to earase and exotic from the game. This might be true thought the exoitc pulse rifle revision zero was a weapon that you could only get from haveing the season pass to season 19. I really hope that you make it so that you can get revison zero to all plays. to be honest just make so that you can get it at the monument of lost light. Making revison zero a loost exotic in the past would be really weird and I have revison but I would like for every one to have it. This is a practical argument because erasing an exotic from the game is absolutely ridiculous. not saying people have to listen but I do have a point. do not criticize my grammar or my spelling because I will not really care to be honest I just want your opinion on the idea.

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