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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/11/2023 6:55:30 PM

Lunar Complex bug/Can't fast travel

I recently redownloaded Destiny 2 to play with some friends. I had played before so I selected my warlock character and it has me do an introductory mission/tutorial. I go through it all with no problem, I help Shaw find his team, then he tells me to meet him at camp and the mission ends. It goes to black then loads onto a room that's gated all around. Looking into it this is the part where it tells you how to fast travel by taking your ghost out to do so, but I have no such prompt. The only prompt it gives me is to leave the game. I've tried restarting my game multiple times but nothing helps. If anyone can help or has a fix please help!

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