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Изменено (Cheeto): 3/6/2023 12:52:06 AM

No Champion Mods Working

There seems to be an issue with artifact champion stun mods. I've tried several mutations of guns that fit the criteria and still no luck, can't seem to get any champ mod to apply. I've also tried resetting my artifact several times and re-"buying" the mods and still no luck. It does appear that guns with intrinsic mods work (like wishender/anti-barrier) but this makes running the legend lost sectors pretty hard to do. Anyone else having this issue or know of a workaround? Reference photos in link. Adding that it may also appear that none of the mods are working not just the champ ones... Volitile flow doesn't appear to be proc-ing but that is much harder to capture and test. edit again: For folks that stumble on this, looks like if I remove font of wisdom the champ mods start to work again but the others like unraveling rounds and volitile flow still dont work

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