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Изменено (nudeldenbär): 3/6/2023 12:16:02 PM

Right mouse click (hold) not working / zoom in bug / ads bug / aiming spasms (PC)

Most of the time the hold function of the mouse is not working properly. I zoom in with a weapon, or boost on a sparrow, but it often would just activate and deactivate randomly. Therefore I can't aim. Also one day it was fine, next day huge problems again. There are several other posts on reddit and Bungie forums for example these: But none offer a solution. Facts I can definitely exclude are: * It's not a mouse problem (problem exists with other mouse too and it doesn't exist in other games) * capping fps doesn't help * it's not a mouse driver / too many drivers problem * it's not a pc problem (new pc) * I've read on other posts that disabling steam overlay and deleting the cvars file would help, but there were comments saying it didn't work Seems like a problem on Bungies side /servers side to me.

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