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2/14/2023 4:01:23 AM

Dungeon Solo Triumphs not popping

I have recently been trying to complete all dungeons solo in order to better understand builds and how to survive in PVE. While doing this I was slowly getting the solo dungeon completions for all dungeons. Each dungeon was giving me the triumph without issue, until Duality. I was slowly able to complete Duality throughout the week solo. Once I beat Ciatl at the end, the triumph didn't pop. I received shadowheart so didn't think much of it because that was the main perk of having the solo completion for me. I started working on Spire of the watcher and after seveal hours of attempts I finally just finished the dungeon on my titan solo. Again, the triumph didn't proc. I am curious if anybody knows what could be causing this? Here are a few things I think may be affecting it. 1) I have completed the dungeon with a team earlier in the week. 2) I didn't complete the dungeon solo in one attempt. I have had to leave the dungeon and come back. If either of those are causing my solo dungeon completion not to proc, I would like to file a bug. Thank you for any information!

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