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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/12/2023 3:55:32 PM


Fix this garbage playlist. Get rid of flawless pool. All that does is let you get farmed by 2 win resetting or carries. Used to think it wasn't a thing but consistently get rolledin horribly balanced lobbies. My matches consist of me who actually took time to level up and get meta guns versus god tier 1,000,000 final blows vets. My teammates are generally horrible and are usually at 1575 or 1580 with horrible guns and i wonder why they are even in my matchmaking. I have 54% winrate in trials over thousands of matches. Fix this miserable playlist or make it free to play. Slap in the face i have to play to access this mode and it is utterly broken and unbalanced.

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