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2/9/2023 11:52:16 AM

What can we do to prevent bullying?

I’ve had someone who continues to bully me in the clan recruitment forum. It has been going on for weeks and the person continues to post negative comments of a -blam!- nature, bullying by direct name calling, and shaming me for trying to find a mew clan. I need help. Ive reported the comments multiple times. They stay up. Ive blocked the person. I’ve made mew posts. Ive asked them to stop. Still their pursuit continues. The blocks on this app don’t actually work and the comments don’t stop. Please guys. I’m desperate and this is affecting my mental health. The comments being made about my family and my personal life are damaging. We all come here to have fun playing a game we love. That’s all I want.
#Help #ninja #mentor

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