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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/6/2023 6:24:35 PM

How Bungie can do Better

BY NOT MAKING IT A 90 DAY WAIT PERIOD TO RELINK A DESTINY ACCOUNT! Just picked the game back up for the first time in several years and was having an issue with cross save to pc, it turned out I had a 2nd steam account that I didn't know existed (linked to the same email address somehow) with nearly the same log in info. So, I learned accidentally linked my Bungie stuff to the wrong account, an account that does not own destiny nor have I ever used it for anything. And now, I'm thinking about uninstalling the game again and never picking it back up. I understand you don't want players to be flip-flopping their characters around a bunch, but you should AT LEAST have some kind of actual contact info so that when issues like this happen they could be resolved and not forcing players out of the game for 90 days because their Xbox is broke and they wanted to switch to PC. So thanks bungie.

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