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Изменено (Zildrey): 1/6/2023 4:51:15 PM

Warlock Class skill rework or buff

Who agree with it?


Yes, need a balance/Rework


No, don't need a balance/Rework


Why none see that Warlock's class skill is the most weak skill from the game on PVP/PVE, it don't tank, it don't heal fast enough and it don 't have a good shield like void's Titan wall. Another thing, when I play with Hunter and Titan I just realize the class abilities from them be 100x better than Warlock, Titan in PVP can summon his wall fast enough without die and if the enemy go through it, will be with 1 of hp and will get a slow cc, Hunter can fast leave or entry in a fight and recharge his weapons this is really good in PVP/PVE, Warlock seem to summon his class skill slowly than other class and when you are using you can't move fast enough to hold a shoot to save yourself. Some guys will say to use the heal near a wall or rock but this is out of the question cause all the class can do it too and better than Warlock. My suggestion it made a rework in his class skill or put a little fast animation some fragments that buff it to give the shield instante or hold for a few seconds the shield or even put more damage resistance when you are up there. Please, answer with a mind free of favoritism of the classes PS: English isn't my native language, sorry if some word could be difficult to you understand.

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  • Really the only place in pve where rift doesn't see any use is GM's and that's only because of the fact it doesn't matter if you heal if everything one shots you. And you can't add dr to it since if Bungie really wants to play into the each class having a role in battle Titan's are the tank class. What they should do is increase rift speed and maybe make it so the initial cast has a healing aoe for teammates and on solar maybe make it so one of the aspects secondary effects also adds a slightly stronger healing effect (Pve exclusively). For the dive move shorten the cooldown or make it heal more because atm it's a long cooldown for a really weak cure effect and only sees use for shotgun rushers. As for it's opposite rift which I can't remember the name atm make it slightly bigger alongside the rift cast speed being faster and if Bungie can separate cooldowns make it so in pve it's slightly faster to cooldown.

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