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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (MeesWebotes009): 1/2/2023 5:19:34 AM

No wonder this game has a bad reputation

So I got into an lfg for a legend seraph shield with this person named Yotroth#1834. I literally carried the whole mission and right when we beat it before I was able to claim my reward this piece of work kicks me from the fireteam so I won’t get my loot. This why destiny is known as having one of the worst communities in gaming. I’m going to report that clan cause it was two of them from the same one and that guy. Been playing destiny 1 since day one beta back and never have I encountered this level of disrespect. It also had a to be a pc player of course. 😒

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