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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/20/2022 10:54:00 PM

As Solo, My Inability to Explicitly Select Control has Frustratingly Killed PvP for Me This Season

Pull Control into its Own Playlist


Leave Control and Clash Together


Make Control the Competitive Standard


I have solo played PvP in more than 95% of my matches, of that I am absolutely certain. From this experience, I can say with certainty that I have far more influence over a match of Control than I do in Gambit. Please understand, this is not a statement of ego. The dynamics of Control, once you understand them, make it far easier to be decisive on where you place yourself for fights and where you control the fight-- hence the name. I can play conservatively and have a far better time understanding where the combat line is in Control than I ever could in Clash, and I build out around that. [url=]As it stands now for this season[/url], my KAD in Control is 1.96. I've won 11 matches and lost 3. Yes, it is early on but already I feel more confident in that than I ever do in Clash, where my K/D is 0.93 and my KAD is 1.41. As of now, I am in the bottom 17% of players on Clash and the top 1% of players on Control. Even with a sample sizing this small, it really reflects my sentiment about the matches. My playstyle and mindset (admittedly) sucks for Clash. It's too fluid and too chock full of people who just want to get into a firefight without thought for positioning, [b]AND[/b] it is arguably the worst mode to go into solo where having voice comms on a team will definitely make or break a fight. Control needs to be on its own, [url=]preferably as the competitive standard.[/url] Unfortunately if that change is to come, it probably won't happen until next season, which is a little over two months away. When I am feeling like I have tolerance, I'll go into the team quickplay playlist. Otherwise, I'll probably stick to Gambit.

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