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12/11/2022 3:16:02 PM

Bluescreen after launching

Destiny 2 started bluescreening today (11.12.2022) It worked for past week or so and today AMD asked for updating. I play on Lenovi Ideapad Gamin 5 (yes, laptop, riddicule as you want) and it has both AMD and NVIDIA graphics on it, both quite recent- Nvidia is from 2019, idk about the AMD one. How to fix this? I uninstalled the game and am again running the update for AMD. What infuriates me is that I don't know what exactly caused the problem. And for the Opera question, which I saw on one other discussion- I been using Opera GX for quite a while and even after recent Nvidia update it wasn't causing crashes nor bluescreens, so I do not think it is a culprit here.

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