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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/7/2022 5:57:05 PM

All the People I Know Who Don't Complain About Destiny, Play With Other People

I've been chatting with people I know in person, on Discord and in passing at gaming cafes, and of the three dozen or so people I've talked to over the last month and a half (and especially after the announced reworks), [b]none of them[/b] have voiced the complaints that I've seen running rampant on these forums, spare for Warlock changes. And even for those Warlock changes, the complaints have been few and far in between. The interesting piece about this is all of those people play with other friends (online or IRL) on a regular basis. They all have clans they get together with regularly, or have circles of friends that they can pull from to bring together to play Destiny. It's how I know many of them. All of them regularly play with at least one other person they know. They've all been excited to get to the new content, and have even praised some things that people absolutely douse in gasoline here, like the Witherhoard nerf. So it led me to one question: [b]How many people play by themselves, that complain here on the regular?[/b] In some other posts that I've written here, there is a chunk of the population on these forums that feel like people parrot complaints from prominent YouTubers or other social media platform gamers. It starts to make sense that the people who make clips of razzle dazzle gameplay would be upset that they can't do as much razzle dazzle, like with airborne effectiveness and getting multiple kills with Witherhoard. [b]It's not to say that Destiny is without issues.[/b] Every game has (at least) wiggle room for improvement, and this game is no exception. But the amount of absolute trashing this game gets on the forums feels disparate to the experience of the game that I and others have. So like I've said in other posts: if you feel the game is such trash that you feel like it's unplayable and Bungie doesn't listen, then don't come post on these forums. [u]Just uninstall and go touch grass.[/u] Otherwise, come in with data-driven citations instead of [url=]appeals to an authority figure.[/url] If you want developers to listen, be constructive instead of saying "Season of the Recycled" before the new season has even started. And get some IRL friends.

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