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11/26/2022 4:20:32 PM

Weird NAT type issue for younger brother, but not me, on same network

My younger brother wanted to try out destiny 2 recently and installed it. He went to play it yesterday and got through the first mission of the new light questline before the game began to lag on him. I went into his settings and noticed he had his NAT type as strict, when mine is moderate. It stays on strict even if only he is on a computer and nothing is taking up port 3097. We've also tried to manually go into the router and enable port forwarding for his computer specifically, but with no luck. I've also looked on the destiny 2 support page for NAT types, but it seems to be more geared towards playstation than for PC. Does someone understand this issue? We've never encountered this before with any other online play, whether it's online pvp in Quake or playing seperately on Elder Scrolls Online.

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