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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Madly Jumping Exo): 11/13/2022 12:23:26 PM

I Hope Worldline Zero Gets a Buff

Please buff or rework the catalyst at least, since it has not been touched since the rework to swords in season 10. Before the rework, it was a 1.5-second flat activation reduction. But that was still the case after the sword reworks to add the energy stat. So from 3.0s -> 1.5s to activate it went to 8.0s (base) -> 6.5s) to activate Tessaract, with a base 5.0s heavy charge time. So if you are touching a lot of exotics next season, I hope Worldline Zero would be one of them. Maybe add Duelist Trance, or give it an extra sword charge like Armamentarium or Shinobu's Vow, Chain Reaction maybe, or even let it charge when stowed?

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