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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/12/2022 8:42:22 PM

Feedback about the Telesto Event

The event itself is not interesting or funny enough to make the game better. Having a broken gun in the game also makes the trials weekend worse and it's already been bad. Here is a philosophical feedback for Bungie's further decision making: With champions requiring specific mods, The lack of solo player support and the seemingly forced group player intentions, Making a "fun" event where everyone has to use the same gun, Let's limit how they move while they fight. (airborne effectiveness), Making events where people have to follow unspoken rules (Ruffians, Jack-O-Whatevers) and you have work against the teammates who aren't aware or are just wanting to get the grind over with faster, Forced SBMM or CBMM in Quickplay, Highly Limited PVP Map Rotations, Let's make them do these different things to get pinnacle drops that may or may not benefit them, There are a lot of these decisions I am referencing here... You guys need to shift your thinking from "This is a good idea, let's make the players do this." to "Lets support the players exploring options and playing the game how they want to while maximizing that experience as much as we can." Games are a service to the buyer. The buyer should not be paying to service the game. This pans out into many many things and it requires a bit of thought to execute properly, but if you don't change your model and stay with this antiquated philosophy which should never have been in place, you will continue to drive away your player base. Then you can serve the rules you've designed by yourselves. Destiny should be the greatest game ever made. If you're abandoning this project and don't care about it, fine. We the players are getting the message.

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